I am fascinated by people. I can sit and watch random strangers for hours. I love noticing how they carry themselves, their body language, how they interact with one another.
For this reason, every time I leave the house with camera in hand I can always be found trying to "sneakily" take pictures of any random passerby that I come across. As my friend Gina says, "Certain people look like they have a story to tell". The more stories a person looks like they have to share, the more likely I will try to take their picture. As a general rule of thumb, adorable, elderly people intrigue me in remembrance of my grandfather and his many life stories. Gypsies must have at least one story dealing with society's stereotypes and stigmas. There is always a reason behind homelessness and in a city of such wealth, the impoverished and the working class seem to intrigue me the most. Trying not to offend, I can't always get the pictures I'd like, but trying to capture these "life moments" imprint the visual into my memory.
Thankfully, I have made friends here that are also "people creepers" as they so endearingly put it. I say thankfully because by being friends with people like this, it's only a matter of time before you're their subject...
It's the small moments in life that count. It's the story you can share. Capturing moments and stories pieces together the essence of that individual. It's important to always remember that individuals make up the world past, present, and future - regardless of age, class, gender, orientation, or story.
You definitely BLEND! Mi manchi! xoxo